


Often referred to as ‘eco-dyeing’, ‘eco-printing’ or ‘bundle dyeing’, I create and produce unique botanical print textiles and artwork created from a diverse range of Australian eucalyptus leaves.

My process involves foraging for the perfect leaves and materials to bundle up in beautiful natural fibres or on high quality watercolour paper.

The colour palettes in my work are nature based and derived, dependent on external factors such as the cycles and changes of the seasons, climate and location. As plant pigments merge with favoured metals and rust, a unique dye bath and colour theme evolves that is both fascinating and uniquely harmonious. Nature is the conductor of the symphony and its energy is seen and felt with each piece created.The colours and marks on cloth tell their own story and reveal and express in their own unique way. As artist/designer and creator, the best thing I/we can do sometimes is to just hop out of the way and not try to control the outcome (as hard as that may be at times!)!.

The end result is the production of wearable and wall art - including original handmade luxury silk scarves, clothing and accessories, and authentic botanical print artwork under the label of “Kerry Shepherd” and “Kerry Shepherd Textiles”.