
Ecoprint Textiles


Naturally-dyed, ecoprint clothing, scarves and artwork

I create one-of-a-kind botanical print textiles and artwork featuring Australian native eucalyptus leaves reflecting the colours of local environment(s) and the seasons.

Using an eco-printing “bundling” technique, foraged leaves are bundled tightly in cloth and metal rods, and then steamed and submerged in local water and pigments for the process of transformation to begin.

The minerals in the water, tannins in the leaves, the metals I use, and the type of fibre that I choose determine the outcome and characteristics of dyeing and printing.

Each silk scarf, linen garment or paper print I produce is unique, original and impossible to reproduce exactly the same way.

My creative process is an art form that keeps me guessing and in a constant state of admiration and awe of nature - its essence, unpredictability, beauty and exquisite gift of story telling.

The textile prints and hanging artwork I produce are botanical derived and reiki-infused, bringing the supportive life-force energy of reiki (‘chi’) to all that I make and create..

I only use natural fibres and love working with silk and linen, allowing the skin to breathe and soak up the supportive vibration and health giving benefits of (wearing) natural colours and fibres.

Our original botanical print silk scarves remain the flagship of my product range sold in Australia and to many from around the world for over 10 years now.

For more information or enquiries on how and where to purchase my work, please email me at kerryshepherdtextiles@gmail.com.

Thank you.

Warmest wishes.
